Saturday, November 1, 2008

Christmas Card Samples

Christmas Cards come with Envelopes and your Family Name in each card.
Card 1
Card 2
Card 3

Card 4

Card 5

Card 6

Card 7

Card 8

Card 9

Card 10

Card 12

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Two Families---Lots of Kids-----

Believe or not this session with 2 families went pretty smooth.
This handsome boy is Chris. I have been taken Chris's
portraits since he was a baby. With every session
I probably ran off 5 pounds!!! Man he was FAST.
But now he is an such a gentleman.
He is so funny!!!
Now, how am I going to stay in shaped?......

This is Emma. She is such a sweet young lady.
She is Chris's sister.
Never have I enjoyed any other young lady such
as Emma. Her portraits always turn out, because
she makes my job easy. She is beautiful and pretty
much just poses herself.

The was my second family.

Every child was more beautiful than the next.

After 3 boys, Reba finally got her baby girl and

she is such a doll.

Thanks everyone for a wonderful Session.

Please fill free to leave a comment.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Addison l year portraits

Don't you LOVE those rosey cheeks.
Actually I had to tone them down.
Addison's cheeks are always a rosey red.
Her parents will save a fortune on make-up.

She was so ready for a nap...
but all that changed when we
brought out the Birthday cake.

Comments always welcomed.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Baby Trent and Big Sister

What a beautiful smile... He is such a HAM.

Good looks run in this family.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Cooksey's Wedding

Cooksey's Wedding

Amy and Clint, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your Wedding. Your wedding was sooo fun. I think everyone there would agree with me. The church was beautiful. From the time the wedding started until the lighting of the sparklers at the end of reception, everything was perfect.
Good luck with your new life together......

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Three new Friends

I made some NEW FRIENDS while watching the Ducks at the Peabody Hotel.
They are Triplets. Their names are Jessica, Annie, and Leah.
They were just beautiful. Not only were they beautiful, but they
were so sweet. These 3 girls are best friends, you know how I know?
Because they told me that. After spending several days with them
it was easy to see, they truly are Best Friends.
Thank you so much for letting me photograph you.

Peabody Ducks

While attending a convention at the Peabody in Little Rock Arkansas, we were
amazed at the Ducks. Every day at 11a.m. the ducks were marched in (after we
were given the history of this event). They rode the glass elevator down to the
lobby and walked the red carpet onto steps that led into the fountain. They ate and swam all day. Then at 5p.m. they were marched back out (still on the red carpet and elevator) where they lounged around in their glass house. This event caused a crowd everyday.
Check out the pictures below.

Notice the duck looking over the bottom of the glass.